Between The Real and the Virtual
I look at the still image and try to experience the 'Real' (the unsaid, the imperceptible). I try to capture that through my heart rate...

Heart Rate (HR) Performance Boat triptych
I look at the photograph and it brings back good memories. I use my heart rate (HR) to make the image move me. I am hooked up to a heart...

Triptych Clay Heart Rate (HR) Performance
I record the making of the pots and then use my body to respond to the images. I am hooked up to a heart rate sensor and I watch the...

Mumbai Collage heart rate (HR) Video Performance
A research trip to Mumbai (2018). The video is a visual document (a bio narrative) telling a short story of some of my travel experience....

'BioWave' (2018) A Real Time Triptych Ocean Heart Rate (HR) Video Performance
Part of recent research & development. This is a real-time heart rate (HR) video performance. My body is hooked up to a heart rate sensor...
Heart Rate (HR) Variability Performances/Research Sketchbook
The following images are snapshots of ideas over a couple of years exploring the cross over between the digital and the corporeal to...

PULse 01: Amelia & Me (Video Performance)
Art Residency Umbria Italy part of The Verdecoprente Arts Festival https://verdecoprente.com/lorna-moore/ Proposal For this residency I...

PULse 03: HDVD Human Digital Video Device
PULse 03: HDVD January 2015. This work was shown at the launch of G+VERL (Games & Visual Effects Research Lab) at the University of...
PULse 02
The second series of PULse was to become part of the Live Inter-Face Conference LIsbon, November 2014. What you see is the real-time...